For additional information about the MCREST organization

Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team’s (MCREST) motto is:

“To provide homeless and displaced individuals the opportunity for successful transition to independence!”

It all started in 1988 when nine people gathered at Trinity Lutheran Church in Clinton Township to start a homeless day camp.  It soon evolved into a rotating shelter where the homeless travel one week at a time to different churches.  St. John’s joined the rotation in 1995. Today there are 69 churches that provide the homeless with opportunities to successfully transition to independence.

Our commitment means that we pledge to take care of 30 men one week each year.  During our week, we provide shelter, showers, transportation, clean laundry and meals. 

We are a small congregation, but almost every person contributes to the success of this week to the best of their abilities.  Here are some of the ways we you can help: donating food, driving our guests to work, doing laundry, visiting with our guests, washing dishes, providing homemade soup for one of the night, serving the home cooked dinner meals, overnight supervision, shopping, cash donations and prayers.

It takes a lot of preplanning, volunteers and many hours to make each week successful.  We learn about our guests, we learn more about our volunteers, we have fun, and most importantly we have a greater understanding of what Jesus has taught us-

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”

We have found this to be very true!  Are we tired when we say our goodbyes?  Yes, we are, but it’s the good kind of tired. Please prayerfully consider joining us to feel this good kind of tired.  You won’t regret it!